Self Improvement

The Life-Changing Power of Deep Breathing

power of deep breathing

Breathing, being our body’s constant cycle, can do wonders for our body’s system. The “deep breathing” form of breathing is carried out slowly, establishing a connection with your core.

It’s like pressing the chill button in the body, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is commonly known as the “rest and digest” system.

Practicing deep breathing serves a lot of purposes for the wholesome functioning and development of our body. It leads to the accumulation of energy for bodily functions like digestion, excretion, urination, and many more.

To add to that, deep breathing exercises regulate or lift mood by sending more oxygen to the brain and other organs.

Breathing isn’t just another body function; it’s a body’s stress-decompressing agent and, basically, a superhero with superpowers.

Yet on the same hand, if the intake of oxygen is obstructed or scaled back, a person’s mind is quickly taken over by negative thoughts, anxiety, an increased heart rate, and more.

Why does it work like magic? 

So, how does deep breathing work its magic? Well, it’s actually about our nervous system. Let’s dissect it: our autonomic nervous system controls stuff like heart rate and digestive processes.

It entails two parts: the sympathetic nervous system, for fight-or-flight moments, and the parasympathetic nervous system, for chill-out time.

While breathing is always on, this specific form of breathing helps calm down the sympathetic nervous system, soothing stress and strain. It’s like instantly decreasing the volume of the music as it gets too loud to bear.

Reduced blood pressure

A simple trick to ease out your anxiety is by lowering your shot-up blood pressure. It’s like your blood pressure rises quickly as you experience anxiety or stress.

Taking some long breaths immediately when such a situation comes to pass can actually reverse the effects of your anxiety and your associated train of thought. Practicing deep breathing regularly can progressively prepare the ground for immunity to panic attacks or strokes of anxiety.

Also, consistency in practice is imperative to maintain the results. Research sheds light on the fact that it aids in lowering blood pressure, especially for people who dislike popping pills.

Improved asthma and COPD

Deep breathing exercises serve as a pass to the members’ only club of “freedom from lung problems.” Conditions like asthma and COPD can be improved to a great extent by exercises that involve the lungs, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles by easing symptoms and improving lung capacity.

COPD folks can also benefit, especially when paired with other treatments like pursed lip breathing and exercise.

Quick Meditation

Deep breathing is considered a mediation equivalent. It keeps your focus rooted in the now while kicking you out feeling “disoriented.” It can help you release stress and find peace hailing from within you. Consider it a way to channelize your inner Zen master to help you connect with your internal being and energy.

How to Take Deep Breaths Correctly

Now, let’s discuss technique. The vast majority of us don’t inherently breathe deeply from our bellies. We tend to breathe more shallowly, which is bad for our lungs.

When you’re prepared to practice Zen, choose a comfortable position and inhale deeply. Feel the rise and fall of an accordion in your abdomen. Start with basic inhales and exhales; count to three each time if that’s too much.

The Vagus Nerve

Have you ever heard of the vagus nerve? It’s like the body’s chill-out highway, connecting your brain to vital organs, including the heart. By activating it with deep breathing, you’re basically telling your body to chill. Your heart rate slows, your muscles relax, and you feel at ease.

Involving Your Diaphragm

Give your lungs a spa day with diaphragmatic breathing, often known as belly breathing. Your diaphragm is activated, which promotes deep breathing and relaxation. It’s a staple in yoga and meditation for good reason—it’s incredibly effective for relaxing the body and mind.

Involving Your Nervous System

Consider deep breathing as a way to manipulate your nervous system. It serves as a constant reminder that you are in charge, similar to turning on the lights to relieve tension and worry. Just keep in mind to pay attention to your body and select the method that is most effective for you.

Alternate Nostril Breathing

This one’s a gem from yoga, believed to balance the body and mind. Block one nostril, inhale, switch sides, and exhale. It’s like hitting the reset button on anxiety.

All in all, the quick and effective physiological sigh is a personal favorite. Take a slow, deep breath in and out, and feel the tension melt away. It’s like a mini vacation for your mind


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