Self Improvement

7 Ways to Overcome Childhood Abuse

childhood abuse

Past trauma is like a nightmare that suddenly becomes a vendetta with the wrong person behind it. Globally, there is this startling statistic: about 1 billion children between the ages of 2 and 17 have experienced some abuse in the last year. 

We are discussing being neglected or experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional harm. That’s a big burden for such youthful shoulders, believe me.

These days, when a youngster experiences trauma, it severely disrupts them. It feels as though something completely upends them. Their immunological and nervous systems may be compromised by the stress, which might hinder their physical development. 

Thus, realizing their full potential turns into a difficult task. In addition, there’s this long list of potential health problems, like asthma, heart disease, diabetes, depression and more.

But hold on, things get harder yet. You see, traumatic experiences as a child don’t simply go away. It proliferates like an unwelcome houseguest, bringing all kinds of problems as it grows older. 

You would assume that children are these tough little creatures that can overcome everything, but they are deeply scarred by horrific events. And where does trauma come from?

Oh my goodness, they’re everywhere: maltreatment, domestic violence, instability, sickness, you name it.

Hey, things aren’t all bad. My friend, there’s hope on the horizon. The following seven stages can help you begin your healing journey:

1.Face the music

First off, you have to admit that something went wrong. Not that business of brushing stuff under the rug. It’s time to accept that, yes, you went through some difficult times, but that it wasn’t your fault. Your trauma is the vendetta hiding behind the incorrect person, as I stated at the outset.

2. Take charge of your situation

Trauma might leave you feeling as though you’re in quicksand, but you need to work your way out of it. Regain control of your life by letting go of the past and navigating toward more tranquil waters. You must set yourself free from the trauma and forgive yourself.

3. Lean on your folks

You know that saying, “No man is an island”? Well, it’s true. Reach out to your friends, family, or a therapist—whatever floats your boat. Connecting with others is key to getting through tough times. Don’t make the mistake of the generation by not opening up to the people around you.

4. Let it out

Bottling up your emotions is like shaking a soda can and hoping it won’t explode. Spoiler alert: it will. So, talk about your feelings, write them down, scream into a pillow—whatever helps you release that pent-up energy. Pouring your heart out from time to time will only do you good.

5. Grow, baby, grow

Healing from trauma is like tending to a garden. It takes time, effort, and a whole lot of TLC. So, roll up your sleeves, dig in the dirt, and watch yourself bloom. Practicing your hobbies regularly, following your own passion in any capacity, and taking care of our well-being will fill you with interminable fuel.

6. Be Playful

Sometimes you just need to let go and enjoy yourself while approaching recovery, much like a child in a sandbox. In a secure and encouraging setting, play therapy is an excellent method to reconnect with your inner child and resolve your problems.

7. Get creative

Who says healing requires only words and no deeds? You can express yourself  through art therapy in ways that words cannot. So unleash your creative side and grab a paintbrush, some clay, or a napkin and start drawing.

That’s all there is to it, friend. It’s not simple to heal from childhood trauma, but you can do it with a lot of self-love and a little assistance from your friends.


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