
Lil Tay’s Instagram Live: Revealing Truths About Her Father and Death Hoax

Lil Tay
Lil Tay
Image Credit:liltay/instagram

The young influencer and artist had already teased her Instagram live session earlier in the week, and it finally took place on Saturday, offering a series of surprises.

Contrary to the many photos circulating that showing her as a 9-year-old when the fake death rumors emerged, Lil Tay is actually a teenager.

During her live stream, which aimed to mention those who wronged her, Lil Tay also showcased her impressive musical talents by playing the piano and guitar.

Clearly, Lil Tay has used the past five years of legal battles with her estranged father to hone her musical skills.

While she demonstrated her musical gift with these instruments, Lil Tay also unveiled a new music video that resonated with her social media followers, earning praise for its catchy nature.

Initially, her first livestream centered around her musical performance and did not delve into the details of the death hoax, leading some to believe they might have been misled and that she was using the situation to promote her music.

The enigmatic series of livestreams left many skeptical. However, Lil Tay eventually opened up, providing more context about her tumultuous relationship with her father and alleging multiple forms of abuse she had endured.

During the livestream, she seemed to present evidence for these allegations, including texts between her parents, emails, and photographs, although they appeared reversed in the camera.

She also suggested that her father might be responsible for the death hoax and a cryptocurrency coin bearing her name, set to launch the day after the rumor surfaced on her account.

David Hope, a lawyer based in Vancouver, Canada, has consistently denied these claims.

He maintains that his concerns revolve around Angela and Jason Tian, Lil Tay’s mother and brother, exploiting her.

After the post on Lil Tay’s Instagram account that implicated Hope in the death hoax, he told TMZ that “Everything stated is 100 percent false, and I trust that this should be obvious to anyone who knows me or the long history of absurd and untrue statements made by the various people who have controlled the Instagram account.


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