Self Improvement

Stop Derealization And Depersonalization With These 4 Strategies


Experiencing a bit of derealization? You’re not alone, my friend. Studies say 26% to 74% of people have danced with short-term derealization at least once. Stress, anxiety, fatigue, or a bit of substance use – these can all be the DJ spinning the tracks of your brief dissociative episode.

But hold on, chronic derealization? That’s the concern, often stepping into the cycle with trauma or some sneaky health issues. It’s not just a minor inconvenience; it’s like life handed you a meal-ticket, and you’re struggling to be in the front row.

So, what is this derealization thing? It’s like your brain decided to pull a magic trick, making you feel distant from the world, or like you’re wearing those funky 3D glasses without asking for them.

Objects playing size and color swaps, time tap-dancing like it’s on speed, sounds cranking up or dialing down – it’s a real circus in your head. And hey, it’s not just watching life; it’s like you’re binge-watching it on a screen, not really in the scene.

Reasons for Derealization

Why does this happen? Well, picture this – a history of recreational drug use can be the trigger, or maybe you’ve got a knack for avoiding tough situations. Throw in a dash of depression or anxiety, especially the heavy-duty kind with panic attacks, and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a dissociative cocktail.

Oh, and let’s not forget the trauma, whether it’s childhood abuse or life throwing some heavy punches your way. It’s like the universe handed you a wild card, and now you’re navigating a maze of distorted reality.

What’s Depersonalization?

Now, depersonalization, that’s another beast in the same circus. Feeling detached from your body or environment? Yeah, that’s depersonalization’s signature move. It’s like your mind decided to take a vacation while your body and surroundings kept going. Not many folks end up in the depersonalization/derealization disorder club, but those who do often share a common backstory.

Main Causes of Depersonalization and Derealization

Childhood abuse, be it physical, sexual, or emotional, can be the ticket to this exclusive club.

Emotional abuse, in particular, can leave its mark and become the VIP pass to a future of depersonalization and derealization.

Trauma is another bouncer at this club – war, rape, or even a bad car accident can open the door to the dissociative party.

So, what are the symptoms of derealization? Picture this: living in a movie, feeling emotionally disconnected from others, surroundings going blurry or unreal, or on the flip side, being hyper-aware like you’ve cranked up all your senses to eleven. It’s like you’re starring in your own reality show, but the script is all over the place.

Let’s combat Derealization and Depersonalization:

1. Exercise

Exercise is not just for gym rats, my buddy. It’s the silent warrior in the struggle against annoyance—the cunning partner of derealization. But hey, even a quick walk can have a positive impact; there is no need for rigorous exercise. In this tale, cardiovascular exercise—the kind that makes your heart racebecomes the hero. It’s about taking a mental vacation from the chaos, not about being a fitness expert.

2. Walking

Not sure where to begin when it comes to exercising? Walking is like your silent champion, waiting to be noticed. It’s more than just moving your body; it’s a way to take a break from the craziness inside your thoughts. You wouldn’t believe how much a quick walk around the block can do to reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, and give you a moment of peace.

3. Make a Connection with Others

Do you get a dissociative bubble feeling? Break it through social interaction. Talk about your experiences with loved ones, close friends, or a support group. It can really change your life to know you’re not alone on this bizarre path. When the world seems surreal, human connection serves as an anchor.

4. A Structured Routine

In the chaos of denial, create a schedule and organization. In the face of uncertainty, it gives one a sense of stability. Maintaining a regular daily routine can serve as a stabilizing factor, providing protection from the erratic whirlwinds of dissociation.

Don’t forget, you’re the main character in this story, and even in the middle of the dissociative circus, you can find your way back to reality.


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